Putting your gynecological health first

We address pelvic and vulvovaginal conditions, ranging from the simplest to the most complex.


Persistent and unexplained pain in the vulvar area, impacting sex and daily activities.


Persistent pain around the entrance of the vagina, often triggered by contact or pressure.


Involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the vagina, causing pain during penetration.


Occurs when tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus grows outside it, causing pain.


When the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus, causing pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Pudendal Neuropathy

Persistent pain in the genital-pelvic area caused by damage or malfunction of the pudendal nerve.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Endocrine disorder characterized by menstrual irregularity, ovarian cysts, and hyper production of androgens.

Pelvic Floor Hypertonus

Condition of excessive contraction of the genitopelvic muscles.


Inflammation of the vagina that can be caused by infections, chemical imbalances, or irritation.

Bacterial Vaginosis

An imbalance in the vaginal bacterial flora. Can cause discharge, odor, itching, or burning.


A yeast infection causing redness, itching, and white discharges similar to cottage cheese.


Inflammation of the urinary tract causing urinary urgency, burning during urination, and pelvic pain.


Also known as dyspareunia, occurs during sexual intercourse and can have physical or psychological causes.

Sexually Transmitted INFECTIONS (STI)

Infections transmitted through sexual contact, which can vary in symptoms or be asymptomatic.

What we don't diagnose

We can treat the symptoms of these conditions, but we still lack some steps to diagnose them effectively. We will do so soon.

❌ Endometrisiosis

❌ Adenomyosis

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