We assist you in your journey, wherever you are.

Through our platform, you will have access to specialist visits, online consultations, lab tests, and much more.


Are you looking for a diagnosis, a second opinion, or answers to your questions? You can fill out our questionnaire and meet our Care Team for an initial call.


Follow our protocol to achieve a diagnosis in a few weeks, through laboratory tests and online or in-person evaluations, when necessary.


Do you want to book a pelvic floor rehabilitation session or a sexual counseling program with specialized professionals? You will find these and many other services on our platform.

Continuous care

Experiment with what makes you feel better. Take care of your physical, mental, social, and sexual well-being with Hale's tools such as therapies with experts, our app to manage your condition, and a support community.


Are you looking for a diagnosis, a second opinion, or answers to your questions? You can fill out our questionnaire and meet our Care Team for an initial call.


Follow our protocol to achieve a diagnosis in a few weeks, through laboratory tests and online or in-person evaluations, when necessary.


Do you want to book a pelvic floor rehabilitation session or a sexual counseling program with specialized professionals? You will find these and many other services on our platform.

Continuous Care

Experiment with what makes you feel better. Take care of your physical, mental, social, and sexual well-being with Hale's tools such as therapies with experts, our app to manage your condition, and a support community.

Our services

See pricing list

💻 Online

Diagnostic protocol

Learn more

💻 Online

Symptoms Screening

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💻 Online

Orientation call with Care Navigator

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💻 Online

Gynecological Consultation

Learn more

👩🏼 In-person

Gynecological visit

Learn more

👩🏼 In-person

Lab tests

Learn more

💻 Online

Prescription of medications

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💻 Online

Nutrition consultation

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💻 Online

Sports and movement consultation

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💻 Online

Psycology and sexual health consultation

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👩🏼 In-person

Pelvic floor rehabilitation session

Learn more

💻 Online

Our support App

Learn more

The old approach has failed.
We have created a better one.

Traditional approach

Accessible from anywhere

Speed and continuous support

Transparent and predictable pricing

Care protocols based on your data

You are in control of your health

Multidisciplinary team chosen by you

Don't just take our word for it

23 years old

I wanted to compliment the medical staff. You are truly lovely. I say this because, unfortunately, it wasn't so obvious in my previous visits. Keep it up.

26 years old

I had tried five times to get a diagnosis of vulvodynia. Deep down, I already knew, but the response from Hale's gynecologist opened up a new world for me. Thank you.

35 years old

I commute and doing almost everything online has transformed my life. It fits better with my schedule and I can manage my time more effectively.

24 years old

I am thrilled. Why didn't anyone think of this before? I filled out the questionnaire calmly, without missing anything, and everything I had to do was very clear.

28 years old

Finally, a service that stops wasting my time and unnecessary work leave. If all visits were like this, it would be much less stressful.

32 years old

I am very shy. Visits often made me uncomfortable, so I gave up. This online service is ideal for me. A special thanks to your nurse.

29 years old

The staff is very welcoming and easy to talk to. I discovered you through the community on Instagram and you have transformed my life.

Your Care Team includes all key figures.

A multidisciplinary approach is fundamental to our philosophy. At any stage of your care journey, you can interact with professionals who are always in touch with each other.
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Your personal doctor who will design a personalized treatment based on your medical history, your symptoms, and your goals.
Care navigation
Care navigation
A specialized midwife or nurse who will support you at every stage of the journey with everything you need for your health.
Specialist support
Specialist support
Our partner specialists, to go beyond the basics and address all aspects of health holistically: from nutrition to physiotherapy to sexual well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

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With Hale, we aim to take care of you at every stage.

Orientation services: Share your medical history through a questionnaire and meet online with our Care Team to discuss your short and long-term health goals and determine the best path for you.

Diagnostic services: Follow the protocol to reach an official diagnosis within a few weeks, through laboratory tests, and online and in-person evaluations if necessary.

Treatment services: Choose a treatment tailored to your symptoms and goals, selecting a service on your own or following your Care Team's recommendations. You will find consultations for nutrition, sexology, sports, or pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Ongoing care services: Explore additional options to complete your journey and further enhance your long-term well-being, such as gynecological check-ups, tests, and a reference community.

You can find them in detail here.

Does everything happen online?

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For the most part, yes, but some services or tests must take place in person (e.g., laboratory tests or pelvic floor rehabilitation). In these cases, we will recommend a local partner as close to you as possible.

Can I book just a single service that interests me?

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Yes. Once you have access to your profile on the platform, we will advise which services might be most suitable for you based on the information you provide. At that point, you can follow our advice, or choose a single service or an entire pathway (e.g., the diagnostic pathway) independently.

How does the diagnostic part work?

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Getting a diagnosis can vary greatly from person to person. After filling out an initial questionnaire and meeting your Care Team (a gynecologist and a specialized nurse), we will suggest a series of short tests to include or exclude particular conditions. The number and type of tests can vary depending on each situation—the most common are urine tests, vaginal swabs, and pelvic floor evaluation. Once the results are received, the diagnosis and your therapeutic suggestion will be explained to you.

What does it mean that you have a multidisciplinary approach?

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Scientific research and the most modern medical practices show that the most effective approach to treating these conditions is multidisciplinary. This means we leverage the combined experience of specialists from various medical and health disciplines, as well as support from the community and a digital therapy app. This approach allows us to address every aspect of the patient's health, ensuring that all possible causes and dimensions of a health issue are considered and treated."

Start feeling better immediately.

Join Hale and discover a new idea of care: efficient, convenient, and personalized.
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